Saturday 26 October 2013

Tanzanite Gemstone

There is nothing quite as beautiful and awe inspiring than a Tanzanite gemstone. Each precious gem radiates with a luminescent glow and natural beauty. The deep shades of brilliant blues and violets enhance any piece of jewelry.

The name Tanzanite was coined in 1969 by Henry Platt, the vice-president of prominent jewelery company Tiffany and Co. Tiffany expended much effort marketing this new gemstone with its new name, and Platt's efforts paid off with this gemstone becoming extremely popular in a short period of time. The name Tanzanite caught on and is now a standard name in the gem trade.

The main appeal of Tanzanite is its lovely color. Its color ranges from pure blue to purplish-blue. It is highly pleochroic, and will display different color saturation when viewed at different angles. Planning is required when faceting a Tanzanite gemstone in order to cut it at an angle that delivers the stronger blue color rather than the duller gray tone. Care must also be exercised during faceting to prevent chipping, since this gemstone has perfect cleavage in one direction. For this same reason, Tanzanite jewelry should not be banged against hard surfaces and should be worn carefully.


Tanzanite is a relatively soft for gemstone. This places somewhat of a limitation on its uses and care must be taken to protect it from being scratched. Tanzanite also has a low resistance to ultrasound and should not be cleaned with ultrasound cleaners as this may cause the gemstone crack. Although Tanzanite has a lovely color and appeal, it does have several limitations in its durability.

Tanzanite is a very popular jewelry gemstone. It is used in bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. It is less often used in rings due to its relatively low hardness which makes its prone to scratches. Lesser quality stones are occasionally cut into cabochons. - See more at:


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