Friday 11 October 2013

Ruby Gemstone

  • Ruby 


    • Ruby is the red manifestation of corundum; all other colors of corundum are referred to as sapphire. Due to its durability, brilliance and bewitching red color, it has for thousands of years been considered to be one of the most valuable gemstones. Larger rubies, being rarer, command the highest prices. This precious gemstone has a very good hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. Owing to its red color, the ruby is commonly associated with passion, love, power, warmth, blood, and fire. Rubies have been worn by warriors to give them courage, by kings to give them power, and have been gifted as an expression of undying love. The highest quality rubies exhibit a deep vivid red or purplish red. The ruby is the July birthstone in the United States.

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