Tuesday 22 October 2013

Azurite Gemstone

Azurite is an azure blue copper mineral, it is occasionally found as prismatic crystals, but is rarely ever faceted. More often it is found in massive form inter-grown with Malachite as a result of the weathering and oxidation of copper sulfide minerals.
It is a beautiful deep blue stone that awakens the third eye, increases contact with your spiritual guides and heightens your psychic awareness.
The name azurite comes from the Persian work lazhaward meaning blue, it is often used in jewelry and also collected as a beautiful mineral specimen.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used ground forms of the stone for medicinal purposes and for dye.

Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 3.5 with a monoclinic crystal structure.
Azurite is found particularly in many copper mining areas such as Australia, Chile, Africa, China and the former USSR. Stones from Chessy, which is near Lyons in France are named chessylite. 

Mystical Properties:
Azurite is called the "stone of heaven" as it is said to aid in developing psychic awareness, psychic skills and abilities, enhances intuition, and guides you to be accurate in depicting psychic experiences.
It is also an excellent stone for meditation, allowing you to enter a meditative state easily, as well as enhancing prophesy and divination. Azurite can help control the flow of energy and bring just the right amount of it to any situation.
Azurite enhances creativity, as well as inspiration and intuition. It aids in building confidence as spiritual cleansing. It is quite useful when studying for exams as it helps one to retain information.

Healing Properties:
Azurite will address problems related to any type of dysfunctional throat and neck issue, such as sore throat, neck ache, thyroid problems, hearing problems and asthma. It can also assist the body in utilizing oxygen which in turn helps strengthen the blood.
Azurite's strong association with the mineral copper, it makes this gemstone a perfect addition to an copper jewelry worn for arthritis or rheumatism.
Being that Azurite is an absorbing stone, it is said that it can also be used to clear toxins from the body. This may be environmental toxins as well as toxins from any prescription medications.
After using Azurite in a healing session, it is best to thoroughly cleanse the stone. The best way to do this is with sage or sweet grass smoke. It is best not to use water, as Azurite is quite sensitive and has a tendency to crumble while immersed in liquids.

Magical Properties:
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Powers: Psychic powers, dreams, divination, healing
Azurite is a symbol of the eye of spirit, and will help to unlock other dimension of being. When used on the third eye during meditation for spiritual awareness and higher wisdom, it aids in removing blockages to psychic powers, especially clairvoyance. It does so by energizing the third eye and expanding ones inner vision.
If your desire is for deep meditation or astral travel across time and space, tape this stone to the center of your forehead over the third eye to aid you. It is not recommended to attempt this more than once every ten days, as too frequent use of azurite in this manner tends to make one quite spacey.

Associations: Venus
Not a traditional birthstone for any month.
Stone of Capricorn, azurite symbolized insight and discovery as well as promoting a sense of justice.

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