Monday 21 October 2013

Selenite Gemstone



Alternate Names & Spellings:  Maria Glass, Satin Spar, Desert Rose
Hardness (Mohs):  2
Color(s): Colorless, sometimes with pale tints due to inclusions
Transparency: Transparent, Translucent, sometimes appears opaque when it has inclusions such as in desert rose formations
Lustre: Vitreous, Pearly
Common / Notable Locations: Europse, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Australia
Rock Lore & Tidbits: Selenite is a variety of gypsum. which is readily cleaved into natural wands or sheets. It is a very soft stone which can be scratched easily with a fingernail. It is also somewhat flexible and can be bent with gentle pressure, which is why it is sometimes found in curls called ram's horn formations. It is also called Satin Spar at times, though this term is also used for a type of calcite.
The name selenite comes from the Greek word Selene, meaning moon. It has been used for window panes, such as those in Santa Sabina in Rome. The giant crystals in the Naica Cave of Crystals are Selenite Gypsum.

Crystal Meanings, Metaphysical & Healing Properties  Lore of Selenite

Keywords: Mental Clarity, Psychic, Angels
Selenite is a stone of mental clarity. This clarity enhances mental flexibility and enables strong decision making abilities.  It can affect every day life as full mental clarity into play to lesson confusion and mental disorientation.
Selenite is also a stone of truth and honesty. This promotes good business practices as well as honesty in other types of relationships.
Selenite is associated with the moon it is named for. This brings associations and energies of the unconscious, instinct, subconscious, and emotional well-being.  The moon association also brings water energy to the fore, creating the flexibility and intuition.
Though Selenite is associated with the moon, it is also a sweet angel stone. It is used for contacting and communicating with angels for guidance. It can also be used for finding and working with other spirit guides.
Selenite remove energy blocks, particularly from the physical and etheric bodies. It can also remove energy blocks in the bodies of other crystals and stones. This makes it excellent for enhancing the properties of other stones and for clearing and charging them.
 Selenite is a stone of  powerful intuition and psychic awareness through its influence on the third eye chakra.  You can access past lives and do past life work and healing with it. It is also beneficial for psychic efforts, especially clairvoyance.
Meditation and spiritual development are eased and promoted by selenite. Meditations become sparkling clear over time when working with selenite and it brings a clarity to your spiritual understanding of the universe and your place in it.
Selenite can be used to dispel negativity, both on an emotional and an etheric level. This makes it a good stone for protection. This energy combined with its angel associations makes it outstanding for angelic protection. You need only hold the selenite and pray or ask with intent for angels to protect you.
Selenite is a stone of love, which on the surface may seem odd. Its properties of mental flexibility and honesty, help maintain a loving relationship comfortably and with ease. It also brings harmony and inner peace which allow for recognizing love and acting in a loving manner.
Selenite is used in crystal healing for removing blocks to healing, dissolving secondary gain issues, confusion, particularly from alzheimer's disease or dementia, aligning the spine, decreasing epilepsy and seizures.It also promotes flexibility, assists with absorption of calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Selenite is used to promote fertility, increase the libido, and is a protector of pregnancy and motherhood.
Selenite is primarily associated with the Crown and Third Eye chakras. It is also related to the sacral chakra.
More on Selenite from my personal perspective.
I use selenite logs and slabs extensively to clear and charge other crystals and stones. There is always a piece of selenite nearby with other stones resting on it. I personally prefer this over clusters of quartz or amethyst, though this may be because I have strong ties to the moon. It would certainly work for people with ties to other celestial bodies, though.
When I say that selenite is related to fertility, it's good to remember that this includes creative fertility of all kinds. Until  I knew about the fertility energies, I thought it was a little odd that it felt so appropriate to keep a selenite log on my jewelry desk and often work with it sitting on my leg.  It felt, right, though, so I went with it, only to find later that it made perfect sense.

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